Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mars Attacks Her Booty!

I was in town visiting my sister in Charlotte, NC on Aug 24th and had a day to myself so I thought I would do some body painting.

My photographer friend Charles of NC Glamour Photo picked me up and we went to his photo studio where I set up and waited for the model to arrive. The model, Amie Raine, arrived on time and was cool off the get go. I painted a green fantasy armor design design on her and we finished with some time to spare. So I had a little time to do a second body art piece on her if she was willing. I had been wanting to do the Mars Attacks piece, but did she have the right hiney for the job? I told her my concept and she was totally game.

First thing I had to do was make sure the shape of her buttocks would be right (you would be surprised how many butt shapes would not have worked). She had the right butt shape for the design, so I began...

Working on the design, upside down. The green is from a previous design I painted on her.

I outlined the piece on her from the position it would be photographed in, and then for the model's comfort - she stood up and I painted the design upside down! For the final touches, I had her lay over a chair to do the detailed line work and squiggly brain parts. Here I was, a real smart ass painting a brain on a butt... the irony. The entire piece took me 75 minutes to paint, albeit the laughter that was ensuing probably added some time!

When I was all done, Amie said, "This is the coolest thing I have ever done." It never hurts to hear that statement.

Charles got great photos of the design on a black background and the next day he sent me the best image from the bunch. My girlfriend found the font online and sent it to me, and with a little photoshop for the background and lettering, the piece was complete.

I might do a sequel to the piece called, Ass Invaders. Time will tell.